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Where is the safest place to ride an e-scooter?

On Behalf of | Feb 24, 2022 | Electric Scooter Crashes

E-scooters have soared in popularity, providing a fun, inexpensive and efficient way to commute around town. However, you have to use caution when operating your scooter to avoid injuring yourself and others.

When you know where and how to safely ride your e-scooter, you may feel more confident about enjoying your ride.

Sidewalk vs. bicycle lanes

If you choose to ride your e-scooter on a sidewalk, you have to be extremely cautious of pedestrians. According to Consumer Reports, some of the risks you may face when riding an e-scooter include potholes, light posts, signposts, and cracks in the sidewalk. If you ride too quickly or become distracted while operating your e-scooter, you may not have adequate time to respond if another person or animal comes into your path.

Riding your e-scooter in a bicycle lane may lower your risks of running into someone walking, however, it also puts you closer to motor vehicle traffic. Just as with riding on a sidewalk, you will need to use extreme caution to identify hazards before they put you in danger. Choosing where to ride your e-scooter depends on where you are and the traffic flow of the area.

Safety suggestions

Just as with any other mode of transportation, you should adhere to all traffic laws when operating your e-scooter. Some other ways you can improve your safety include the following:

  • Keep your unit well-maintained
  • Always wear a helmet
  • Stay vigilant at all times
  • Never use your phone while you ride
  • Avoid riding in inclement weather
  • Never ride with someone on the back

If you do sustain injuries on an e-scooter, you may want to hire an attorney to represent you. E-scooter accidents can cause serious injuries that impact your life in many ways. Protecting yourself can help you avoid severe accidents and catastrophic outcomes.