Drivers in North Carolina and across the country spend a considerable amount of time in the car, commuting to and from work, running errands and taking road trips. This familiarity causes some motorists to engage in other activities while behind the wheel, such as talking and texting on cellphones, eating, manipulating GPS, playing with the radio and handling children in the back seat.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving car accidents led to the deaths of more than 2,840 people and seriously injured over 400,000 in 2018 alone. Not only do people run the risk of injuring themselves, distractions put everyone on the road in danger.
What are the types of distractions?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention list three main types of driver distractions. Visual distractions require drivers to take their eyes off the road, while manual distractions require them to remove their hands from the steering wheel. Finally, cognitive distractions take motorists focus off of driving and place it one something else.
Why are distractions hazardous?
When drivers are not fully focused on the road, they are unable to respond to potential dangers that may pop up at any given time. They experience a delayed response time to objects in the road, pedestrians, bad weather conditions, bicyclists, traffic signals and other drivers’ behavior.
Motorists should avoid any type of distraction and concentrate on the road. Although they may be tempted to answer a text, eat, play with the radio or read an email while driving, it is best to wait until safely parked or off the road.